Monday, May 16, 2011

Moi Moi Suomi (Bye bye Finland)

I guess this is the phase where I finally bid goodbye to a place so dear to me. It's going to be hard but life's like that. 
There's a time for everything. 
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8,15

Yesterday I went back to my favourite spot on last time and this was what I did with my friends.

If you know where the spot is, be nice and leave it there for the deserving one. Only the right one has the destiny to hold the hammer of Thor :P

And if you see a shoe hanging on any tree, leave it there too because you will devastate a little boy's dream. You never know what it will really mean to the person (;

Moi Moi Soumi; for every end, breeds a new beginning.
 Ireland, England and Iceland, here I come! 


Klevin said...

Good luck to your life! Have fun in England and Iceland!! Man U

ChongX said...

wish you all the best as well (: You have fun travelling and hopefully we will meet one day!