Monday, November 5, 2012

One inch wide, One mile deep

I bombed my last weekend attending the Asia Internet Conference (AIC) together with my friend. What struck me throughout the conference was probably this, one inch wide, one mile deep.

We probably don't need to be a guru in everything but just one thing. It applies to every athlete in the Olympics. Just look at Usian Bolt, he just focuses on short distance sprints. In his case, he's a little special because he's currently the 100m and 200m world record holder.

Let's take it down to a smaller scale. For the past 4 years, i've been working as a sai kang warrior in the library. All that i needed to do was just operate the counter, loan and borrowing books, and i think today i can do it even with my eyes close. hehe,  of course i'm lazy and i sleep on the job as always.

Maybe diversifying and finding alternative resources could distract us of our prized assets.

Oh well, back to books.


ehh said...

"sai kang warrior"!!! LOL!!! XD

ChongX said...

hahah ya sai kang warrior :P didn't know you read my blog still!! :D